Additional information
Additional Information and Frequently asked Questions about EKB Medical Bureau and our services
P atients are often sensitive to the privacy of personal information, and South African law protects the patient’s rights with equal importance. Confidentiality, therefore, is one of the factors that we take very seriously, as we continue to stay up to date on securing the information presented to us.
Our employees sign a confidentiality act so you can be rest assured that no information about your practice/clinic or patients will be leaked to the public.
Apart from the human factor, have we made sure that the servers are protected with adequate security, leaving no opportunity for any sensitive information to be viewed other than those authorised.
Back-up and Security
A full back-up of the whole data set is made on a daily basis, along with a major backup of all systems once a week, giving all our clients the assurance that all data is safe at all times. The back-up is stored on secured servers off-site, (Cloud-based) ensuring that any form of data loss will never occur.
Frequently Asked Questions
Why use a medical bureau?
Save practice time and money like stationery, telephone bills, and internet costs along with many admin expenses and overheads. More time can be spent on your practice and patients without the worry of admin problems that often arise with the Medical Aids. Outstanding patient costs can also be avoided with our systems, resources and the services we render.
Save time and money on purchasing a medical billing program and sending employees for courses to operate them. The practitioner literally saves thousands in monetary value by using EKB Medical bureau as it’s preferred medical claims, management partner.
What are the costs?
The only cost to the practice is a fixed percentage fee EKB Medical charge, on the monthly payments the practice receive.
EKB Medical also guarantees the lowest percentage fee, resulting in a win-win position for both the bureau and the practice.
What are my expectations from EKB Medical?
Practice management
Submission of claims
Follow up on outstanding payments
Improvement on practice/clinic’s cash flow
How will my medical claims be collected?
Electronically on a daily basis
By consultant as arranged with the bureau.
When and how does the data get captured and managed?
Medical claims will be processed and submitted immediately after collection.
We get immediate feedback from the medical aids as they inform us on:
- Whether the claim will be paid,
- and how much is going to be paid
Where we are informed that the account is not going to be paid, we immediately arrange payment with the patient.